
Erewash BC, Sawley

Con 423 (38.1;+29.4), Lab 348 (31.4;+21.4), Lib Dem 338 (30.5;+0.0) [Ind (0.0;-48.7)], [MRLP 0.0; -6.0)]
Majority 75. Turnout 21.65% Con gain Lib Dem. Last fought 2003.

Hull City Council, Derringham

Lib Dem 927 (38.7;+29.7), Ind 679 (28.3;-0.1), Lab 353 (14.7;-11.1), UKIP 320 (13.4;-15.1), BNP 116 (4.8;+4.8), [Con (0.0;-8.5)].
Majority 248. Turnout 27.0%. Lib Dem gain UKIP. Last fought 2004.

Sawley PC

Lib Dem 560 & 548 (53.7) Con 520 (25.2) Lab 432 (21.1)
Majority 128. Turnout 21.67%. Lib Dem hold.


Cotswold DC, Northleach

Con 435 (69.4), Lib Dem 105 (16.7), Ind (13.9)
Majority 330. Turnout 44.0%. Con hold. Last fought 2003.

Hackney LBC, Queensbridge

Con 696 (36.3;+26.1), Lab 595 (31.1;-11.4), Lib Dem 334 (17.4;-5.1), Respect 291 (15.2;+15.2) [Green (0.0;-15.3), SA/SSP (0.0;-6.4), CPA (0.0;-3.1)]
Majority 101. Turnout 28.2%. Con gain from Lab. Last fought 2002.

Sedgemoor DC, Berrow

Con 340 (57.2;-0.5), Lib Dem 254 (42.8;+0.5)
Majority 86. Turnout 32.05. Con hold. Last fought 2003.

Tendring BC, Thorrington, Frating, Elmstead & Great Bromley

Con 577 (55.1;+2.8), Lib Dem 345 (32.9;-14.8), Lab 125 (12.0;+12.0)
Majority 232. Turnout 28.5. Con hold. Last fought 2003.

Vale Royal BC, Winsford Swanlow

Lib Dem 326 (48.9;-20.3), Con 183 (27.5;+13.4), Lab 157 (23.6;+6.9)
Majority 143. Turnout 19.5. Lib Dem Hold. Last fought 2003.

Vale Royal BC, Winsford Verdin

Lib Dem 336 (56.4;+18.7), Lab 188 (31.5;-8.6), Con 72 (12.1;-12.1)
Majority 148. Turnout 12.0. Lib Dem Gain from Lab. Last fought 2003.

Wear Valley DC, Wheatbottom & Helmington Row

Lab 328 (59.6;-10.0), Lib Dem 180 (32.7;+2.3), BNP 42 (0.7;+0.7)
Majority 148. Turnout 21.82. Lab Hold. Last fought 2003.

Upton by Chester PC, Upton Heath

Lab 430 (51.5), Con 284 (34.1), Lib Dem 120 (14.4)
Majority 146. Turnout 27.76. Lab Hold. Last fought 2003.


East Devon DC, Sidmouth Town

Con 1147 (57.6;-5.4), Lib Dem 702 (35.3;+35.3), Lab 141 (7.1;-29.9)
Majority 445. Con hold. Last Fought 2003.

North Lincs UA, Crosby & Park

Lab 1044 (54.9;-4.4), Lib Dem 414 (21.8;+8.8), Con 258 (13.5;-1.1), BNP 186 (9.8;+9.8) [Social Lab (0.0;-13.0)]
Majority 630. Turnout 22.6. Lab hold. Last fought 2003

Richmond upon Thames LBC, North Richmond

Lib Dem 1384 (51.9;+14.9), Con 1043 (39.1;-4.7), Lab 129 (4.8;-5.6), Green 110 (4.1;+4.1) [Ind (0.0;-4.8), UKIP (0.0;-4.0)]
Majority 341. Turnout 39.63. Lib Dem gain from Con. Last fought 2002

Information courtesy of the
Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors.
Web presentation by Keith Edkins © 2005.